Love and Other Drugs

Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 10.15.20

* Britney Spears scored a small victory in her conservatorship battle with her father after a judge allowed her to hire her own counsel. Guess now "she is that innocent"... [Variety] * President Trump has refused to say whether he will keep Attorney General Barr if Trump wins reelection. [CNBC] * A medical device company will pay millions and submit to monitoring as a result of allegations that the company paid kickbacks to doctors. This would have been a boring ending to Love and Other Drugs... [Salt Lake Tribune] * Bernard Cohen, the lawyer who argued Loving v. Virginia at the Supreme Court, and was instrumental in eliminating interracial marriage bans, has passed away at the age of 86. [U.S. News & World Report] * A Texas attorney has been charged for allegedly using his smartphone to record a coworker in a bathroom. [New York Post] * The Missouri lawyer couple in hot water for allegedly pointing guns at protesters is purportedly handing out autographs. Soon, we may see them on Cameo... [Yahoo News]

Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 07.02.20

* Novartis has settled a lawsuit which included allegations that the drugmaker gave money to doctors to induce them into prescribing certain medications. These claims would have spiced up the movie Love and Other Drugs... [NBC News] * An Ohio attorney has been arrested on federal bribery and extortion charges. [Toledo Blade] * Only seven law firm mergers and combinations have occurred during the second quarter of 2020 according to Altman Weil, likely due to the chilling effects of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. [The American Lawyer] * The New York Attorney General has agreed to settle sexual misconduct lawsuits against Harvey Weinstein for $19 million. [Guardian] * A lawyer has lost his bid to avoid the bankruptcy discharge of his $156,000 in legal fees for handling a client's divorce. [Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly] * A former judge and lawyer has been suspended from practice for participating in an inappropriate email chain nicknamed the "forum for hate." Be sure to check out the messed up things that were said by the group which are included in the article. [ABA Journal]